- Technical Advisor Board Member - SaltDNA
- Co-founder, Board Member - Threat Stack, Inc
- Chief Scientist - Threat Stack, Inc
- Research Engineer - Mandiant (Acquired by FireEye)
I'm also an organizer for the Boston Golang Meetup Group. We host Go-related meetups in Boston!
- Pitching your Cybersecurity Startup - Sept 2015
- "After all this time, we still can't crypto" - April 2015
- "The Linux Grinch Vulnerability - Separating fact from FUD" - Dec 2014
- "I long for the future where I can safely assume my passwords are stolen" - Apr 2013
- Docker Breakout Exploit Analysis - June 2014
Open Source
- codetainer (author), Docker containers in your browser
- batten (author), Batten, security auditing tool for Docker
- safe commit hook (author), Git hook for preventing bad check-ins
- brosquery (author), Querying Bro logs from OSQuery
- keyutils (author), Go bindings for libkeyutils
- procfs (author), a /proc library interface for Go
- Pigsty (author), a unified spooler (to replace barnyard2)
- Snorby (contributor), A snort front end
- Fghcvq Is as Fghcvq Does - Slate, April 2015
- "Debate: Is your money safe online?"SC Magazine - April 2015
- The 'grinch' isn't a Linux vulnerability, Red Hat says - PCWorld, Dec 2014
- Building a browser sandbox with Docker - E4E conference, Sept 18 2015
- Docker Security, Boston Security Meetup, July 2015
- Docker Security, Velocity Conf 2015, Santa Clara, May 2015
- Docker Security, Gluecon 2015, Denver, CO, May 2015
- "Xconomy Tech Agenda 2015 (Panelist on 'Hackers and Snoops, From the Cloud to the Cash Register')", December 2014
- "Getting Started With Go", Boston Golang Meetup, Nov 2014
- "Cloud Security In An Uncertain Age", Boston AWS Meetup, Boston, June 2014
- "Auditing All of the Things", Monitorama, Portland, April 2014
- "Exposing Native Code Through V8", Node.dc Meetup, DC, June 2013